Snacks during the SBA
Have you ever imagined that you were in the middle of a the SBA and you got hungry, very very hungry? I think kids should have snacks in the SBA so they don’t feel starved. Kids could actually be eating there favorite snacks. Kids should have snacks during the SBA because of good breakfast on testing days, Mental health, and, they get to chew gum at school. This is important because if YOU were in the middle of the SBA I bet you would want a snack.
The first reason kids should have snacks on the SBA Is good breakfast on testing days. Good breakfast on testing days can be protein food. For example, Eating stuff with eggs like an omelet, or eating a scrabble. Protein food can also be yogurt, you can have a small cup of yogurt for breakfast. One other good breakfast for testing days is carbohydrate food. For example, porridge oats, whole grain bread or low-sugar muesli, muesli is a cold Swiss breakfast dish, the primary ingredient of which is rolled oats. The last good breakfast on testing days is omega food. For example, smoked salmon. You can put smoked salmon on a beagle covered in sour cream. This is important because you need good breakfast on testing days.
The second reason kids should have snacks on SBA days is Mental health. Mental health can be taking care of stress. For instance, If students lack healthy foods stress can interfere with learning. But if students don’t lack healthy foods stress can’t interfere with learning. Mental health can also be nutrients needs. For example, When nutrients needs are met, students can start to begin to focus on their wellness. But When nutrients needs aren’t met, students can start to begin to not focus on their wellness. Mental health can also be food insecurity. Furthermore, Household food insecurity impacts mental health. This is important because you need good mental health.
The last reason kids should have snacks on SBA day is They get to chew gum. One gum reason is they Don’t get to chew gum in class. For example, if they are chewing gum in class their teacher asks them “ Please spit your gum out,” or something like that. One other gummy reason is kids Don’t get chew gum at recess. For example, if you are chewing gum at recess recess teachers don’t like it because their gum could fall out of their mouth. The final gum reason is they’re happy to chew gum. For example, they don’t get to chew gum at recess, they don’t get to chew gum in class, and they finally get to chew gum. This is important because kids like chewing gum.
I encourage you to let your students eat snacks during the SBA because of good breakfast on testing days, Mental health and, they get to chew gum at school. This is important because kids don’t want to feel hungry.
SBA means: Smarter Balanced Assessment
I agree with you because you put so much information. I mean I agreed with I first, but then you put so much information on to it and now I agree even more! Your friend JADE.
I agree with you because you put so much information. I mean I agreed with I first, but then you put so much information on to it and now I agree even more! >JADE<
I agree with you because you put so much information. I mean I agreed with I first, but then you put so much information on to it and now I agree even more! JADE
I agree that kids should have snacks on testing days. I also agree that they need Mental health. ~ Morgan .J.
I pretty much agree with like everything so I think you did a good job!
And I like that at the end you put what SBA because I had know idea! – Hailey
I didn’t know snacks can do so much . Also i like that you explained what SBA means . TAYLOR D.
I agree kids should have snacks during the SBA. I also agree kids need mental health.
I agree with you because you put so much information . I agree that kids should have snacks on testing days.
I agree that kids should have gum and candy on SBA testing day because their stomach will grumble after awhile! I also agree that kids have mental health! SINCERELY,REESE.